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Font size revisitied

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:50 am
by sandstones
Just started testing UE, and looks like a powerful program.

The one thing I was disappointed by - and its a big deal for me - is the ability to set the font and spacing to get as many headers as possible on the screen. I have a very crisp monitor and use a font size of 6, and compress the size between lines so I can scan as much as possible at a time. Can't set the font size in UE to less than 8, and no control over the spacing, which means a lot less on the screen.

Any chance of changing that?



Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:57 am
by alex
it is the default behaviour of the standard font dialog which easy to change by resetting a flag before displaying the dialog, just noone asked for it in the past, i'll add the line of code in the next release, even better i'll reduce the minimal value to 4 or 5, although i'm not sure it is very useful since the minimal height is also determined by the height of the state icon which is invariable, the text will be narrower, it is all.

what you can do is to enable auto collections (edit menu->properties->newsgroups) then you can see much more at once.