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Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:58 am
by swent
I'm getting "forced shutdown, unable to abort tasks" on a setup almost identical to another PC without the error, but running v 1.9. Version 2 was started with the old v 1.9 database and settings in place, so the only difference was the new verify/unpack settings. I've removed Comodo firewall and installed PCtools firewall to test, but still see the forced shutdown error when shutting down with downloads stopped. Both machines are XP SP3, with windows firewall disabled, and have run UE 1.9 with the above mentioned firewalls. I have verify/join enabled and unrar disabled, and have tried with both vertification and unpack disabled and my firewall shut down, with no improvement. I can only guess the chipset drivers, different on each PC, SP3, or the way V 2/ 2.02 ends tasks as the cause, as both PCs are very similarly setup. I have tried keepalive disabled and enabled, as mentioned in another topic. My UE log reads only:
--Login-- (v2.0.2)
Forced shutdowns have done no noticable harm, other than losing settings changes, and my queue remains intact.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:17 am
by alex
forced shutdown means UE closes sockets and waits for 3 seconds for network tasks to exit. if they don't it gives the message and it usually indicates a nasty problem with firewall. if you removed something without reinstalling the system some remnants still may be there (but i have no idea about this particular firewall or the replacement). i don't understand what you mean by download stopped, maybe you see running tasks but they don't finish? chipset drivers are very unlikely cause.

did you try to run v2.0 on the pc which is running v1.9? you should get the same result with both versions, i didn't change anything in the previous code as to networking, if you uncheck "auto" and "auto add" in the v2.0 save/unpack properties basically you get v1.9+, when it is possible i add code in the modular way with minimal intrusion as to older code, fortunately unpack could be added like that quite closely.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:00 pm
by swent
Downloads stopped means paused, which was my usual way of closing the program. I see now that it shuts down properly without pausing downloads, or when there is no queue, but it's still unable to close the open server connections if shut down while paused. Theres no hard drive in the old PC atm, so I'm unable to access the old 1.9 setup, but I do have the same errors running 1.9 on the PC I'm using for 2.02. Coincidently, I changed PC, SP3 was released, and v 2 was released, so isolating the problem is more difficult than usual. I'll not pause it before exiting.
Thank you.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:35 pm
by alex
it must be third party firewall issue, if you cannot fix it try to reinstall the system, check it works on clean system then gradually install what you think may be the reason until it doesn't work again.

as i personally don't like sp3 (it changes remote desktop options and icons even after its uninstall in the same way uninstalling your firewall probably still left its drivers being in the middle :) ), sp3 cannot be the cause.

yes, you have to have running tasks so there are open sockets which UE tries to close from another thread, it is the only possible scenario when forced shutdown is checked against. closing socket from another thread normally closes the connection immediately, it is just transferred to the lower level and it is the lower level responsibility to try to negotiate graceful shutdown.