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Download and save attachements takes too long to respond

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:23 pm
by ticatc3

When i select "download and save attachements" i wait sometimes 30 seconds and more for the "select folder" dialog.


Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:04 am
by alex
it is windows given your network configuration settings or network conditions, you should experience the same delay with any other program (i'm talking about "browse for folder", e.g. you can find it in outlook express maintenance, store folder, change and not necessarily more common open/save file dialog which is different. i don't remember does it happen only the first time or every time you open it within the same session?

if you cannot fix it yourself try UE custom dialog which i took from newspro (edit menu->properties->save/unpack->browse for folder dialog, select "custom"), it may look a little odd but it doesn't scan for network folders and it doesn't have any connection to windows gui dlls. i could try to check it further if you like, just it is not coming from UE but rather your system-wide issue.

on a fast look what i found:

"Open My Computer and right click on and select disconnect for any drives that are unavailable."

also here the same cause is suggested:,1759,1730916,00.asp

i also vaguely remember something connected to protocol in network settings which i experienced in the past but probably it was windows to linux, samba.

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:16 am
by ticatc3

No network drivers were configured, however the GUI change did help ( although it looks very old....()



Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 11:55 am
by alex
you need to figure it out yourself, it is something in the system/network configuration.

try outlook express store folder change, should be the same.

the dialog is ok if you don't need desktop and other non-direct folders.

Auto search can cause delay...

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:13 pm
by willko
This might help,...

go into any folder
click tools->folder options
go to the "view" tab
and uncheck the "automaticaly search for network folders and printers "
click ok...

its XP specific but might be of use... :roll:

Also, OTT but I'll mention it anyway Alex because its a useful article is this: ... k_(Vista)/

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:21 am
by jimzak
I like the old NewsPro dialog! It's much faster for me.

Thanks Alex.