Feature Request: Run Script
Feature Request: Run Script
Love the new Unrar feature, but is it possible to run a script (.bat, .exe file) after the unrar (or any collection download) is completed? If parameters can be passed (or variables assigned) that would be a bonus, that way, after an unrar, etc, I can decide what to do with the file (move, clean, etc) via a script. Thanks.
My first thought is to have the unrar'd file moved to my share location, (if it is .mp3 move it to my audio share, .avi move to my video share, etc.) then clean up the leftover directory, but I also want to be able to run scripts to combine multi-cd videos into one, perhaps extract an iso, and/or re-encode a file to a preferred format. Collect information and check or re-tag .mp3s, and add them to my library. My first goal is to be able to upload and .nzb file via a web page, then have it automatically download, extract, and end up in my Movies share, ready to be viewed in my living room.