The new cleanup feature of 2.9 version rocks

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The new cleanup feature of 2.9 version rocks

Post by semel666 »

Thats the one thing i wanted the most.Thank you for adding it
Now you you dont have to deal manually with all these nfo, srr and stuff left after archives are unrared. Great work 8)

PS Any ETA available on the new method of saving files to a disk?

PPS Or and another thing. It would be awesome if size filters could be applied to collections. Like in newsbin for instance.
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Re: The new cleanup feature of 2.9 version rocks

Post by alex »

Collections are meta-level conceptually (since they cannot be exact because of no agreed subject posting standard) so the size filter is applied to the files.

Also collections may change size as you are downloading headers and you cannot predict the final size, so e.g. for kill filters it wouldn't be reasonable.

You can always sort the view by size and then it is the size of collections which is taken into account, you can also to create a filter to show collections only.

ETA and the exact future features I cannot tell for sure, I will try to keep steady development going, what you mentioned is one of potential additions under consideration.

If something becomes critical I'm moving it to the top of the development priorities and trying to add it fast.
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Re: The new cleanup feature of 2.9 version rocks

Post by spicer »

I agree :D, and might I add that I think you chose a very elegant way of adding it into the preferences.
the files I didn't want after successful extraction were:

Code: Select all

Other files filter example:
This leaves the .nfo and subtitles file with the main file.
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Re: The new cleanup feature of 2.9 version rocks

Post by Maccara »

Edit: Forget about this - it seems to be working now. Can't figure out what was wrong before, though, and why it now works and didn't before.

I agree, this should rock. ;)

However, I can't get it to work properly.

It supposed to support boolean wildmats? I have the following trivial pattern in "other files" filter:

Code: Select all

And it doesn't delete even the *.sfv files.

What's wrong with my syntax? (works ok in filters, for example)

(On a side note, there are some subtle "quirks" with filters in general which makes matching difficult sometimes - msgid, for example, does not play nice at all outside incoming headers match (I know why, but it still could be improved to be more useful - especially with negation))
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Re: The new cleanup feature of 2.9 version rocks

Post by alex »

not sure if it is relevant to your question, boolean wildmats mean [nested] boolean expressions with wildmats as operands, not using boolean operations inside a wildmat.



aviation sample pictures.

will match the above, thus it is different (will give more matches) comparing to


the best you can get is maybe


the double quote to the right (see the boolean wildmats description) will exclude partial word matches from the right, from the left there is the dot already, so nothing can get in between.
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Re: The new cleanup feature of 2.9 version rocks

Post by semel666 »

Hmm is it only me or what? :)
Ive being getting more stable download speed since upgrading to 2.9.3. Really nice.
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