feature request: save attachment location + delete headers

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feature request: save attachment location + delete headers

Post by Mierzoet »


I use UE now for a number of years, and UE is an excellent product, and Alex does great work.

I have never had another location to save the attachments.
It is and always has been the same location.
But for some reason I always (for every download) have to confirm what location to save the attachments.
I also have to choose what to do with the headers&bodies, and I have never ever chosen anything else then to "Yes" delete them.
It sometimes happens that I forget that after choosing "download and save attachments" I have to wait a while to press "OK" and "Yes". And I continue working, only later to find out that nothing has been downloaded. Especially with large downloads (5G and up) where it takes a few seconds to load the import.

Now for my request:
Is it possible to create a save location in the settings that UE always uses for downloading and saving?
Is it possible to create a default setting in the settings to always delete headers and bodies after download?

Off course both should be able to be turned off and on for users.

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Re: feature request: save attachment location + delete heade

Post by alex »

Not to ask for location edit menu->properties->newsgroups, select the topmost "Default" entry and uncheck "Ask" in the bottom.

Also click "Browse" and select the directory you want to save to.

The rest of newsgroups/folders "Save" should be set to "Default" (if you entered something there in the past just press the "Default" button), "Ask" will be greyed for those individual entries then.

As to not asking for delete uncheck edit menu->properties->save/unpack, save, saving attachments, "ask for delete", it is that topmost option in that control area, actually I changed the default quite some time ago and for new database installs the option is unchecked.
Posts: 46
Joined: Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:26 am
Location: Venlo, The Netherlands

Re: feature request: save attachment location + delete heade

Post by Mierzoet »

ah, thank you very much.

how stupid of me...

:oops: :oops: :oops:
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