Ok..the thing is at some point supernews or astraweb start creating headers with a bit of delay and sometimes headers are a bit incomplete on one and sometimes on another providers( BUT actual articles are there anyways, if u create nzb from the complete set of headers another nntp providers usually is able to download it without any missing parts)
so i was wondering what if one had getting headers enabled on them both.. would they supplement one another? WOuld it cause problems with downloading? lets say that its auto downloading and the process of uploading is still at hand and headers are being created.
Ive just tried it and it really seems that its much faster in terms of showing you the complete set of headers when u download them from both providers.. and if by any chance articles are still being processed on one of them its a good chance they are already there on another provider
Did i get it right?=)
PS It turns out its not that good idea as i thought it would be.. unless you use one of the servers as a fill one..
But in my case i utilize both servers to their full potential to maximize my bandwidth coming through two different internet connections and what happens is i get full set of headers combined from supernews and astraweb, newsreader starts as the headers appear to autodowload articles via headers but on one of the servers there are still no articles and connections begin to stall... so either its good for not immediate download or when you have a main and a fill server..that is
Getting headers from 2 NNTP providers at the same time
Re: Getting headers from 2 NNTP providers at the same time
you can download headers from as many providers as you like, there is no change in RAM consumption or size of the newsgroup on the disk.