Toollbars etc icon sizes

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Toollbars etc icon sizes

Post by plasticman »

I have recently gotten a new wide screen high rez. monitor. I am using Win 7. Have found ways to adjust "Menu" " Message box" "Header size" etc from within windows.

I have also been able to adjust the UE workspace and header fonts to my satisfaction. My primary concern is that the fonts and icons on the "tool, search, status bars, etc." are very small. Also the tabs on the "task manager" are very small. Can these items be sized bigger and how?

While I am at it, and I just cannot remember, how can I set universal column widths for my news groups. I know I can set each one individually.


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Re: Toollbars etc icon sizes

Post by alex »

UE is written on C++ for performance, GUI libraries choice is limited, in part when I tried to use later library versions I had problem with slow response when using UE through remote desktop. Still some resizeability may be possible, but not so to trivial since all that is being done with low level code.

As to the last question Window menu->propagate current column order/width.
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Re: Toollbars etc icon sizes

Post by plasticman »

Alex thanks for the response. Found I had to adjust the screen res. page within Win 7. Made icons and text larger. Affects everything but at least I can see headers, menus etc.

The "propagate" command was exactly what I needed
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