Possible to run UE on two computers off the same database?
Possible to run UE on two computers off the same database?
I currently run Usenet Explorer off a machine that I don't usually access locally, I VNC into it. And that's fine, but it's also not as powerful as the machine I'm normally sitting at. If it set the location of UE on that machine up as a network share, could I run it off my primary computer using the same database files? I would not be running both copies simultaneously, I just want the option to run it locally, without having to duplicate the header database. Based on what I know of the program, if I had to guess I'd say it's possible, I just run the program on this machine, select the same location for the database it'll use, and it'll just use all the same files & settings. Is this correct?
Re: Possible to run UE on two computers off the same databas
Yes, you can run it, but not both instances at the same time.