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Logitech mouse "delete" stopped working on move to Windows 7

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:40 pm
by Hamish
I had an XP system in which I had programmed my Logitech mouse scroll button to "delete". This worked perfectly in UE.

I've now installed Windows 7 and programmed the same button in the same way with the Win7 Logitech software.

The function works in all other programs I've tried but does not work in UE. It used to work in the input boxes, the header list and the message. It works in none of these now.

Any ideas on what might be the problem?

Re: Logitech mouse "delete" stopped working on move to Windo

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:53 pm
by alex
I'm not sure, UE may catch pressing the delete key earlier, maybe some problem with logitech driver if the Del key still works as intended.