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Intermittent low space error

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 1:24 pm
by johnsher1
I'm occassionally getting this error:
Usenet Explorer
Usenet Explorer database drive is too low on disk space.

Free disk space and click Retry to restart or click Cancel to exit the program.

My DB drive has over 3TB free so I'm a little puzzled as to what may be causing this. I'm using win7 x64 version with 8GB ram.

Re: Intermittent low space error

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:22 pm
by alex
Edit menu->Properties->Tasks, Suspend tasks when ... MB left, what is the setting there?

And how much free space exactly (I mean in bytes) on the UE database drive (Edit menu->Properties->General, Database folder)? Maybe you can also record it down the next time the message will pop up, I would check it exactly then.

Re: Intermittent low space error

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 12:18 am
by johnsher1
alex wrote:Edit menu->Properties->Tasks, Suspend tasks when ... MB left, what is the setting there?
alex wrote: And how much free space exactly (I mean in bytes) on the UE database drive (Edit menu->Properties->General, Database folder)?
today it says 3,554,736,926,720 bytes free. (ie over 3Tb like I said in my OP)

In the app the status bar currently has:
"No active tasks Database 12.5 MB allocated / 67.5 MB reserved Disk 3310.61 GB free"