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Crash in WinXP and NewsPro looses newsgroups and headers

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 11:09 am
by KillerBob

I am a new user, and perhaps I have set something up incorrectly?

After a great run of getting the newsgroup list, and the selected groups's headers I was downloading something just fine. However, my PC crashed, and after rebooting the PC I went into NewsPro to contiue my download. But, the newsgroup list was gone, as were all the headers.

Damn :x , it'll take me at least 3-4 hours to get it back. There were a lot of .npr files in the "data"-directory, but I don't know what to change, or what to do if it happens again.

My PC is not the most stable in the world (OC'ed over 20%), but everything shouldn't be lost just because the PC crashes.


Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 1:49 pm
by alex
you can enable properties->general, database backup.

when you download a large amount of headers invoke file menu->save database and restart.

usually pc crashes are caused by one malfunctioning driver, if it doesn't show the driver name in the blue screen you can set the system so it will show the faulty driver, then uninstall the application that is responsible for it. normally the system shouldn't crash noticeably.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:50 pm
by KillerBob
I have enabled the database backup, and should now go to -- file --> save database and restart?

I know that PCs shouldn't crash, but when the CPU/RAM ration is set at 1:1, ad the FSB is running at 225, the RAM is basically trying to follow along at 450Hz, and it's only certified to 434Hz. It isn't a particular application, it's just too much overclocking. However, my system scores >21K in 3DMark2001. It's just not always 100% stable.