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Please help me Alex...Please XPAT still not working

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 1:56 pm
by aida
Hi I need help bad *looks around* alex......Are you there? My XPAT function is still not working. Did you get my e-mail with the zip showing what the current error is? Please help me,here. I just beg you. I need help.

Aida :oops: :shock:

Hi Is anyone here? *has a look about*

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 7:09 pm
by aida
Hi I appreciate all of y'alls help,here. I am mighty grateful and
thankful. I still cannot commence a successfull XPAT but I am working
with alex. All of y'all have been such a tremendous help. I'm a fight-
er so I will fight "to the bitter end" as they say. *laughs and giggles* :oops: :o If anyone wants to help me just give me a holler


please help

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 5:54 pm
by aida
Hi I apoligise . I do not know how to paste
a diagram (pic) I made into this little
box here. All I can write here is the most
recent error message I get when I try
to commence an XPAT search. It reads:



Error: connection refused (10061)

Can anyone help me,please?

*walks about having a look*
Please I really need help...alex are you there?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 2:47 am
by blackdog56
We think alex is at his military obligation, so he may not answer for a week or so. You have tryed to get new headers on a regular group, with the same server without error?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 3:30 pm
by telex
I hope he will come back at all. A few minutes ago the newspro page was down...

Please help me here,I just beg you

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 8:30 pm
by aida
Hi *looks around and does a dance*

Alex has sent me an e-mail. It is tell-
ing me about how to type into the
appropriate box under the General
tab within the recoverable errors
subsection that I want to include

"Connection Refused (10061)"
Alex has sent me an e-mail about how to
place this in the right spot but I don't
understand how to apply the information.
Please help me,here. I just beg you. Is
there anyone here I can send a copy of
this e-mail to so that they can show me
how to apply this? Thank you SO much
I am mighty grateful and appreciative.

609.695.0993 :oops: :P

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 11:49 pm
by blackdog56
You type it in the box just like alex told you. If you allready have something there, seperate it with a |. Mine would look like this "too*many|limit|timeout|502 Authentication|Connection Refused (10061)" if I typed it in. This would make NewsPro ignore the connection refused as an error, and continue to try and connect to the server.

Please help

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 1:46 pm
by aida
too*many|limit|timeout|502Authentication|Connection Refused (10061)|Unknown socket error (1)

Hi! This is exactly the way my line appears under the general tab within the recoverable errors type in area. My problem is that despite this I am still receiving the "unknown socket error (1)" whilst the XPAT is in use. It's not right away but after XPAT has been running for awhile. Please help me. I need to correct this and I do not understand how to
do it. Thank you so much,here!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 12:39 pm
by blackdog56
How many newsgroups are you trying to search in? Paste the search string and the newsgroups to search into the forum.

This error should be at the protocol layer and have nothing to do with fact you are trying an XPAT. It should occur for get new headers in regular group, or get new newsgroups, which is why I ask you to try those on the same server. Please do, and let us know the results.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 5:17 pm
by aida
hi *looks around and dances a jig* Ok I corresponded with alex just
the other day. His instructions were explained (and I am pasting
those here). I followed his instructions precisely as he told me to
do. But the problem is that after each addition to the recoverable
errors section (box), it appears that another numbered error
manifests. This meaning that XPAT never works because of a con-
tinous barrage of NEW errors appearing that I was not aware of
prior. Herewith is our correspondence:
It is (descending) meaning the latest is at the bottom.

no, you should add |10061

like: too*many|limit|10061
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
To: Alex Birj
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: Please help alex XPAT still not operational

I would like to attempt what you have shown below. Will you please explain how I can make error.10061 added to the recoverable errors? I see the particular area where I need to type
in. I do not know what or how to type in the appropriate information. Please help me..
----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Birj
To: Michael
Sent: Saturday, 27 September, 2003 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: Please help alex XPAT still not operational

if downloading headers works ok, then xpat also should work, there is no much difference from the firewall perspective (especially if newspro gives the error immediately).

if it fails try to invoke the search again, maybe it will succeed then, in principle you can make 'connection refused' recoverable error (add 10061 to the recoverable errors in properties->general, recoverable errors, still the error means that connection in fact was refused, newspro is not responsible for that since it happened from the outside)
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
To: Alex Birj
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: Please help alex XPAT still not operational

Well this is only with XPAT. I can access,download, do everything else just fine with Newsfeeds premium-plus account and Newspro synchronised. But, will you please explain to me what I need to change or do with with my BlackIce P.C. Protection Firewall in order to make it so that I can do an XPAT successfully? Remember serveral weeks ago I did two separate XPATs successfully whilst BlackIce was in use and I haven't changed any of BlackIces seetings since then. I will work with you any way that I can. Do you need me to send you any screens of BlackIce? I will do that if you need it to help me.
Michael Bullard
----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Birj
To: Michael
Sent: Saturday, 27 September, 2003 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: Please help alex XPAT still not operational

connection refused is a winsock error, it means the server refuses connection, but if you have firewall it could mean the firewal does it (but then you should see the same with usual downloading headers and all other newspro network activities - in such a case ensure that newspro has permission to access the newsservers in the firewall settings).
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
To: Alex Birj
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2003 9:49 PM
Subject: Please help alex XPAT still not operational

Hi Alex. I need your help. I have followed your counsel to the letter. I will continue to do so.
At this time even with subscript checked, the XPAT function of NewsPro is still not working.
I am sending you this zip file. It shows my attempt last night (through this morning) to co-
mence an XPAT. The error here is one I do not understand how to analyse. Please help. It is
very important. Thank you again so very much.


Trenton New Jersey 08608
United States

try to put there:


as to the unknown socket error if you see it again - let me know and I'll send you a version to find out more.

for socket errors you should put the precise number, otherwise they won't be recognized (so you should put 10061 and not Connection Refused (10061)
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
To: Alex Birj
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: Please help Urgent!

Hi This is the most recent e-mail I sent you this morning. It is about placement of the recoverable errors. ...[what I typed in precisely as you directed] and subsequently the re-appearance of unknown socket error (1) whilst in the MIDDLE of an ongoing XPAT AFTER placement with recoverable errors of the appropriate info.
Thank you SO much!!
I am grateful and appreciative
Michael 609.695.0993
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
To: Alex Birj
Sent: Monday, 29 September, 2003 9:45 AM
Subject: Please help Urgent!

Hi Thank you so much,here. I am mighty grateful. I am still having a problem. I will
describe it here:

too*many|limit|timeout|502Authentication|Connection Refused (10061)|Unknown socket error (1)

Hi! This is exactly the way my line appears under the general tab within the recoverable errors type in area. My problem is that despite this I am still receiving the "unknown socket error (1)" whilst the XPAT is in use. It's not right away but after XPAT has been running for awhile. Please help me. I need to correct this and I do not understand how to
do it. Thank you so much,here!

Now my situation is now this.....Ok,after following Alex's counsel, I have encountered new errors upon each attempt at an XPAT. Reason tells me that one would,in this case, simply add more numerical error lines to the
appropriate space with the recoverable errors box. Here is what my box looks like now (I pasted it here):


20019 was put in as a result of this message within the Task Manager section:

NewsPro-No servers for this article yet-try later (20019)

When you see this line herewith above,is there anything wrong at all with the text as I have typed it?
Thank you all so much!!
Thank you Alex!!
All of you are so very good to me. I am most grateful!!
Aida 609.695.0993 :oops: :shock:

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 6:05 pm
by blackdog56
Your problems seem to be getting more and more complex. You are basically disabling more and more error messages that you are recieving.

I would suggest disabling Blackice and trying it once to see if that makes a difference.

You are disabling error messages that a lot of us never get, so is hard to help you troubleshoot. What I ususally do is make things as simple as possible to find the root cause of the problem. There have been documented problems with firewalls and newsreaders, most of them being zone alarm though. Alex may be the only one that can help you, but don't want to put a big burden on him as he is developing new software for those of us not having any problems either.


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:41 pm
by aida
Hi Thanks! It's NP disabling BlackIce.
However, I do not really feel that that
is the problem. The chief reason being
that when I first sought out the forum
here and began attempting to do a
successfull XPAT, I was able to do at
least two separate XPATS at different
times. Both were completely successfull.
That is documented in the earlier thread
that I posted here originally. Both XPATs
were utilised whilst BlackIce was on,
operational and exactly the same settings
as it has currently. Since those XPATs
though, I consulted BlackIce P.C. Protect-
tion tech support. Valerie is the seniour-
technical analyst over there. She has
assisted me for several years now with
any issue I may have with BlackIce. In
her last e-mail to me she told me
BlackIce was running fine. There was
problems with it and my setting were all
correct. However,if after all of this, you
still wish me to commence an XPAT
completely disabling BlackIce, I will
certainly do as you suggest.


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 7:45 pm
by aida
I do not feel though that it is fair to me that (because my technical issue with NewsPro is complex) that I should simply
have to "give up" and forget about ever
doing another XPAT simply because alex is
busy creating another version. I will con-
tinue to work with Alex until I can find an
appropriate solution. :oops: :shock:

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 11:34 am
by blackdog56
I am not suggesting that you "give up", but I am saying you are having a unique problem, that no else seems to be having, otherwise you would probably have there insight. Therefore, it seems to be something with just your machine. I don't think the right answer is disabling most error messages received from the server, although it may get it to work right now. I was merely trying to start from the beginning and simplify the process.

Have you said that other functions besides XPAT on that same server work fine every time?? Did you tell us how many newsgroups you are trying the XPAT on? In previous conversations, your goal was to XPAT into most every group on the server at once. Simplify the search and try with only 1 the first time, then try a few more and let us know the results.

Please help me...please it's mighty important,here

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:01 pm
by aida
Hi First,I need to say: Thank you again and again,Alex. I am so very,
very grateful for all of your help. Alex,I'm sending you a reply to
your latest e-mail you sent me. With deepest contrition, I must plead
ignorance. I cannot understand this e-mail. I do not understand the
instructions you are trying to give me. Will you please re-write these
instructions in a simplified way so that I can follow your technical coun-
sel succesfully?
Most Respectfully,
609.695.0993 :oops: :cry:

(Bye the Bye Alex included a file in his latest correspondence contained
herewith) This file is named
Do you,Alex,intend for me to uninstall NewsPro completely?
Is this file a file I must use to re-install NewsPro?
If this is the case,must I utilise the original key that was distributed to me through the e-mail by you all? Thanks