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Setting Up Multiple Databases

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:06 pm
by P1Tom
I read a tip on Mike Stammer's site that said:
Make SURE to use different databases if you use a lot of binary groups. Make a database for MP3s, one for software, one for movies, etc. This keeps things quick and you wont run into issues later

I would like to do this, my question is how? I don't know how to create multiple Databases, I only have one. Could someone walk me through this? Will I have to setup my options for each database or will it stay the same for each one?

How to you swap between Databases once you create them?

I think by doing this it would help with the Memory Issue I get with having one huge Database.

Thanks for any and all help,

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2003 3:03 pm
by bruce73
I just did this myself and it does makes a difference. Create a folder for your new database somewhere on your hard drive, for example "Music." Go to File>Switch database and browse to that folder. Newspro will create within that folder the "Data", "Copy", and "Temp" folders. Repeat for any other databases you want to create. Use the "Switch Database" command to move among them.

You can also run multiple instances of Newspro, one for each database. Create a copy of NP's shortcut for each, edit the Target field of each shortcut by adding the database (profile) name to the end, for example, like this:

"<drive>:\<path>\Newspro.exe" music

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2003 9:53 pm
by Pegleg
Hi P1 Tom
You can create lots of databases - I have folk, country jazz.......general exe op-systems BUT
you need to pay Alex for a register version, which is no bad idea cause

1) we want this program to get supported and developed
2) he to has to eat now and then

then learn a little about the program, in particular the server options
setup one database as a model and download the newsgroups to it.
Copy it to a folder i.e. "folk"
create a pointer to newspro then modify it so the program starts in "folk"
click on it and newpro will ask you where the database is, browes to "folk"and off you go, select the folk newsgroup, repeat for anything you want.
its great

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2003 5:04 pm
by MikeStammer
There is an option under File called Switch database. this will walk you thru creating new databases. What I did was create folders for each DB i wanted and then opened NP and used that menu option. When it asked what the directory was, i chose my directory. Example:

Directory called MP3
i select it and only have MP3 related things in it
For the shortcut, the target is:

D:\InsSoft\NewsPro\NewsPro.exe MP3

and start in is D:\InsSoft\NewsPro\Mp3

This way I can call my shortcut NewsPro MP3 and it opens that database. it works great. The only downside is you need to basically start over after creating the databases, so i would look at the groups for a day, create all my DBs, open each one and get all headers and then close it. This way you are caught up to where you left off (or very close to it) and will see a HUGE improvement in speed. Questions? Let me know! =)

Setting Up Multiple Databases -> Fine but how to remove o

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 4:23 pm
by driesbessels
I have setup several instances but I would like to remove one of them. How do I do that????

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 9:05 pm
by MikeStammer
Find the directory you dont want and delete it. All done

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:07 am
by driesbessels
>Find the directory you dont want and delete it. All done

That is fine enough but the problem is another:
My 'main'copy of newspro is started with the command NEWSPRO.
I can now start copies with the command NEWSPRO 1, NEWSPRO 2, NEWSPRO 3, etc. This start different instances of Newspro in different directories on different drives.
However, if I delete those directories I can not start NEWSPRO 2 again in another directory, it will always revert to the old directory.
Any way to remove that, should it be found in the registry or so?

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:37 pm
by bruce73
If you're trying to re-use a database name in a new location, this is happening because the path to the old directory is still listed in the registry. If you go to:


you can find all of your databases listed. From there you can change the path.

(As always, take precautions when editing the registry.) :)

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 9:29 pm
by R_Rabbit10
I am not able to run multiple instances of NewsPro on Win XP.
I tried to make a new shortcut for my newly created databases by naming the target:
<dir>\NewsPro.exe Games
where games is the name of the directory of the database. But then Win XP gives an error saying that the target is invalid....
The start directory is set to <dir>\NewsPro\Games.
I followed the instructions in this thread, but it won't work.

Also double-clicking on NewsPro won't cause a new instance to appear, just the one that is already opened up.

So, what is going wrong, and how do I get NewsPro to open multiple instances? Some help would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 1:43 am
by bruce73
Assuming you've already set up the new database within NewsPro (File>Switch Database>Select Folder), copy NP's shortcut, put the path in quotes in the target field, like this:

"<drive:\<path>\NewsPro.exe" Games

The "Start In" field should be the path to the directory that holds NewsPro.exe, also in quotes.

That should work.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 3:53 pm
by R_Rabbit10
Thank you! I finally got it to work. Don't know what went wrong the first time.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:24 pm
by rockdj99uk
I've been trying to get this working for a couple of days unsuccesfully so came here. One quick search later and I'm all up and running.

Thanks for the help. :D