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searched files (from the server) with sizes till f.e. 100 MB

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:21 am
by dxcarnadi
searched files (from the server) with sizes till f.e. 100 MBytes. How?


I've searched (via UE search server) f.e. "linux ubuntu" files with sizes till 100MB.

Is 100 000 [KB] = 100MB ?
I think the "size" parameter doesn't work correctly ...?!
Thank you.

Re: searched files (from the server) with sizes till f.e. 10

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:46 pm
by alex
The search service bar doesn't have the size field.

So after search, if you put into the quick filter bar size field 100000 it will show only the results with the sizes <=100MB, if e.g. you want sizes >100MB you can put >100000

If it is a set or collection - it will show the set/collection with all files, to narrow it you can check the toolbar icon "show only files matching filter in collections" (the option is also in the threads menu).

You can also uncheck sets/collections to see individual files only.

Re: searched files (from the server) with sizes till f.e. 10

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:00 pm
by dxcarnadi

Please see the picture in the zipped-file in the attachment.
How come .. that the last 4 items are bigger than 100 MB ....?
Have I make a mistake? Thank you.

Re: searched files (from the server) with sizes till f.e. 10

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:19 pm
by alex
It works as designed.

The yellow icons are collections.

The gray perimeter around + means filter mismatch for the collection entry (since it is >100MB), the blue + means the collection has files which match the filter.

You can uncheck show collections (in the threads menu), it will show only matching files then.

If you uncheck show files in the threads menu (then it will show collections/sets as not expandable entries) I think it won't show those collections with their files, since those matching files won't be taken into consideration.