Download drops by half or more when program minimized

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Download drops by half or more when program minimized

Post by tomhock »

At first I thought this was a coincidence or isolated event, but I've tested it multiple times, and it keeps happening over and over. I will begin a large download and minimize the program. If I wait a minute or two (or more) and restore it, the download speed I see will be substantially below optimum, often half what it should be. Within a few seconds it will start spooling up and quickly reach its typical speed where it will stay as long as I am watching it with the program active or on screen. If I minimize the program again, the same thing will happen. This has been going on for a couple of months now.
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Re: Download drops by half or more when program minimized

Post by alex »

I'm not sure, maybe the system reduces the process base priority - try to increase priority in UE settings: edit menu->properties->task->network threads - system priority.

If it doesn't work - try to increase the UE process priority in the windows task manager and let me know, in such a case I could change so it will increase the main and other threads priority as well if it doesn't do it already.
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Re: Download drops by half or more when program minimized

Post by tomhock »

try to increase priority in UE settings
I tried that, and it is still happening. I will try the Windows setting, but I do not understand what any of that has to do with the program being minimized. Other than UE, everything else is at idle. I've been using UE for years, and this only began happening a few weeks ago.
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Re: Download drops by half or more when program minimized

Post by dcthom »

Sounds very similar to what I posted here ... =11&t=7626

If you find a fix, please share!

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Re: Download drops by half or more when program minimized

Post by tomhock »

I saw your thread dcthom, but you didn't specifically say it happened when you minmized the program so I started a new one. So you've continued having the problem since 2007? As I said, I never noticed it until recently, perhaps after the last version upgrade. I've been thinking of rolling back to an earlier version, but if this was a bug I'd expect others to report it. Anyway, it's still happening to me.
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Re: Download drops by half or more when program minimized

Post by dcthom »

I joined in 2007 but my post was in Feb, 2016.

My original post related this to a VMWare environment however, now I am running it on my (non-virtual) Win7 machine but the issues you and I appear similar so I thought Alex might make a connection.

I am running 4.9.7 (64bit). My original post is not specifically related to minimizing the window but the resultant slow down. Even if I leave UE open but shift focus to another program, I see the data rate significantly decrease after a few seconds. For data rate, I don't count normal fluctuations of data rate (i.e. fluctuations of 100k), but significant changes (500k or more). Bringing focus back to UE causes the speed to immediately start climbing back to 1M where it then holds.

If you, Alex, or anyone else know of any tools to use that would shed more light on this I would gladly post the results of that here.
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Re: Download drops by half or more when program minimized

Post by tomhock »

dcthom, I'm now seeing the same thing you're describing, download speeds dropping by half or more when UE does not have focus. in fact, what I said when I began this thread is not quite accurate (anymore?). If UE has focus when I minimize it to the desktop, the download speed will not change unless I bring up some other window.I've been monitoring and testing this for months, and it IS HAPPENING each time and every time I download large attachments. Again, I'm on Win 7 pro.
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