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Problems with a.b.moovee & a.b.teevee

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:34 pm
by willko
Hi Alex,

Just notice that in last 24hrs both of these groups have become completely cludged with spam.. Do you have any news/info as to whats going on? This attack has completely hung UE for me (first time ever - hence the post here).

I know its not a UE issue & someone's obviously blasting these groups with crap. Just hoping you could shed some light..?

Hope all is well!

UPDATE - Added kill filter both both groups using "\::" in subject... Does the job for now...

Re: Problems with a.b.moovee & a.b.teevee

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:57 am
by alex
You can also blacklist the poster author, unless it is randomized (I think it is not).

Don't forget to select "discard completely" or to check "discard blacklisted posters" correspondingly, otherwise the headers will still enter the database just marked as "deleted" with the high RAM consumption still there.
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I'm handling it on the search service side, the spammer seems to be posting using bulknews nl usenet provider which given the path is xsnews reseller.

Re: Problems with a.b.moovee & a.b.teevee

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 2:02 pm
by alex
In the latest version I added the built-in kill filter option (enabled by default), which may be helpful, if you see something just let me know, but it should work well in the meantime. It is in the same properties pane.

If it is the same poster, just blacklist them, I didn't address those cases, since there is already the blacklist feature in place.

Re: Problems with a.b.moovee & a.b.teevee

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:12 pm
by willko
Thanks Alex!

Spot on as usual.
Issue sorted.