how can it be that:
Iget in a newsgroup only the last 2 days on headers although I have set the retention to --->default and default is natural.
I have delete "data" and "temp" and now I get all headers again....
retention problem
I'm not exactly sure what you're asking, but here goes . . .
Check both the newsgroup and server properties to be sure that both are set to natural retention (you can set both indepently). Then check to be sure there is no initial filter on the newsgroup (right click the newsgroup name and select remove initial filter). After that, everything should work properly.
What is the retention on the server? You know that each time you get headers, Newspro will only get the new headers, right?
Check both the newsgroup and server properties to be sure that both are set to natural retention (you can set both indepently). Then check to be sure there is no initial filter on the newsgroup (right click the newsgroup name and select remove initial filter). After that, everything should work properly.
What is the retention on the server? You know that each time you get headers, Newspro will only get the new headers, right?