UE 2.0 with Auto UnRAR

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UE 2.0 with Auto UnRAR

Post by Tenchi_Muyo »

i have been a long time NewsPro and UE user,

i have 2 DSL lines and they are load balanced by a HW 2 wan port router. (linksys RV082)

the way it works is it'll open new connections on the differnet wan port.

with newspro and UE 1.x i have always been able to take full BW of both DSL lines.

however with UE 2.0 if i fresh launch UE and tag some stuff to download at first it will use both lines fine.

however once it has auto par2 check and auto unrar one set of files, it now only use 1 of the dsl line, only option is to close UE and allow all the open connections to time out and then restart UE 2.0 it will then use both lines until it auto par2 and unrar again.

is it possiable to change it so that it will only auto par2 and auto unrar when All downloads are done? or are there better way to get around this?

*edit* i'm blind :)

i did find the keep connection alive, unchecking it will allow it to reopen connection to use both DSL lines.

however the speed will jump up and down i guess closing and reopening the connection.

so if we can't queue all the unrar task until all downloads are done, can we have a option to uncheck the keep connection alive for let's say 2 to 5 min and recheck it after a unrar task is done?

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Post by jonib »

You could manually pause the unpack queue, and when finished downloading unpause, "Menu->Unpack->Suspend unpack queue"

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Post by Tenchi_Muyo »

well thing is, i want to tag a few set of things and go AFK... and what normally take 5 hours, now takes 10 hours.
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Post by alex »

download speed from the same usenet provider may vary.

unpack doesn't add any additional download time, it won't be worse than disabling unpack and using quick par2 instead in the same time.

if you disable auto options (except for auto add to keep unpack pane up to date) the overhead in everything (disk, processor etc) is virtually zero.
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Post by Tenchi_Muyo »


the problem is not that auto par2 & auto unrar adding additional time,

i'm not sure what it's doing in the background but it's doing something to the download connections.

let me try to explain it better.

i have 2 dsl line both 3mb max

i'm using a linksys dual wan port router that does somewhat open connection based load balancing (linksys RV082)

each new connection is open on the alt. port as it opens.

so with UE1.x or UE2.0 with auto par2 / auto unrar disabled. below is what happens

i start UE, before i leave for work.

i fill in something in the subject search box and click search

i select the par2 file and press hot key alt+s -> alt+d

i fill in somethign else in the subject search box and click search

select par2 file, alt+s, alt+d

rinse and repeat. until i have about 5 to 6 hours worth of download task.

now UE will be running about 550 KB/s +/- 20kb until all download are done

and downloads would be done when i get back home from work.

now this is what is happening with auto par2 / auto unrar enabled

same thing i search and queue about 5 to 6 hours worth of download.

at first it will be using both dsl lines with UE reporting the same 5xx KB/s

but when i get back to it after work there are still 3 to 4 hours left to go.

this isn't just one bad day with connection problems, it's been like this since i updated to to UE2.x and enabled auto par and unrar last week.

so i did some monitoring and this is what i have noticed,

from the start it'll be using the full 5xx KB/s both dsl line bw combined,

but after the first set of files were download and auto unrared, UE2.x will now only be reporting 270 KB/s. using only a single DSL line.

if i close UE and wait till connections are closed and restart UE, it'll again kick off with 5xx KB/s until again the next unrar task and it'll again drop to 270 KB/s using only 1 of the 2 dsl line.

i then try with unchecking the keep connection open, the speed will jump around between 1xx to 5xx KB /s all over the place so it's not really a solution.

however by unchecking and let it jump arond for 1 min and then checking it speed returned to 5xx KB/s from 2xx KB/s

so now i have disabled auto par2 and auto unrar and speed is remaing solid 5xx KB/s and all down are done when i get home from work.

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Post by dengle »

if you just close and immediately reopen UE, does the connection speed increase to normal or must you wait for the connections to close? What if you reset the linksys RV082 but keep UE open?
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Post by Tenchi_Muyo »

closeing UE and reopen will have it go back to full speed, as the connections close pretty quick.

resetting the linksys will bring it back to full speed as well, as we have just forced the pc to lose all it's network connections and then reopen them once the linksys is backup.

however both of these would not be the right solution, as i won't be at the pc or the router as i'm at work.

my only option now is to not use the auto unrar function, until i can get the correct message to Alex and if he has the time and resources to help solve the mystery.

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Post by alex »

UE doesn't know anything about how many connections you have, the socket layer which UE is using is completely isolated from those details.

Maybe firewall or antivirus? The only difference I see is while unraring UE may keep one (not the main) thread at 100% processor usage. I don't think it could puzzle the system but some third party software could be the cause.

If router is physically separate (you don't have anything which participates in load balancing installed on the same computer which is running UE) I don't see how router can be blamed, or maybe you have some linksys driver or other software installed on the same computer for load balancing to function?
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Post by Tenchi_Muyo »

it's a very clean system with windows vista x64, and firewall disabled.

the only ting this pc does is to run UE and storage.

no additonal network related apps / drivers / are installed.

your right i don't think it's the router as it works fine as long as i don't enable auto unrar.

it's just so strange and weird that all the connections that was separated by the router would be combinded by the auto unrar task :)

i'll just go back to unraring it on my own for now, and keeping fingers crossed that future releases will somehow solve the issue on it's own.

unless you have other debugging or tools that you want me to run to see if we can track down just what is going on.

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Post by alex »

did you try to uncheck keep alive in properties->general?

i'm thinking maybe because of some bug with your load balancing tasks somehow are binded assymetrically to a single connection and then because of keep alive they persist there.

if so maybe you'll see full bandwidth with keep alive unchecked.
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Post by Tenchi_Muyo »

yes unchecking the keep alive, will solve the issue as well.

only problem with keep alive unchecked, is that the speed will jump all over the place between 200k to 500k.

i'm guessing it's due to it closing and reopening the connections. which in return it adds some additional download time.

that's why in my original request i was wondering if there is a way for UE to auto uncheck keep alive for about 30 sec to 1 min and then recheck it. after the auto unrar task.

or to just have all connection closed and re connect after each auto unrar.
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Post by Tenchi_Muyo »


Case Closed!!!!

notice that 2.01 was just released, and it has FIXED the issue!!!!

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Post by alex »

probably your load balancer doesn't like forcibly closed connections, then it would explain why v2.01 behaves ok, the probability of forcibly closing connections when par2 files were suspended is rather small.

not intended result (the change appeared in plans 10 days before you opened the topic - in the thread about the natural order of things in the development section), but good it works now.
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Post by Tenchi_Muyo »

anyway it's all working now!!! thanks for the great work and product!!!
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Post by Cerebus »


The auto unpack/join features are not perfect yet .. but dang, it kicks ass all over any other similar utility speed wise.

Just smokes the competition. Keep it up!!
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