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[REQ] Automation wizzard/batch

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2003 8:29 am
by Schrijver
I really would like to see an option wich kan sort of batch process some tasks automatically.

For example, always the same for me:

1. create searchgroup
2. enter searchstring
3. enter goup to search
4. save info
5. create filter with the same searchstring as in 2. (select+extract) and save in an directory called the same as 1.
6. Go to watch/auto, add the filter as 5. watch=on save=on
7. watch filter: select the same directory as 5.
8. Save/Start

These are the variables used for the above

- searchgroup/dir_name/filter_name (Can be all the same)
- searchstring
- groupnames to search
- Select Directory to save

Is it possible to create 1 dialog box for this? Just fill in the variables and hit the [Save/Start] button!

That would be awesome!