Replies in compact binary groups with threads enabled

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Replies in compact binary groups with threads enabled

Post by nyquil67 »

I'll often do a referesh of a newsgroup, and even after clearing out the entire newsgroup, I'll click the new article filter button, well after the group has finished updating, it will reveal a bunch of individual articles, mostly if not entirely replies, that I wouldn't see if I didn't click on the filter button, and they are still there after the filter is unselected.

Is this intentional? Is there a setting I can do that I don't have to click the new button to see these 4-10 replies that should have been there to start with?

Edit; I thought I'd mention I had this problem before I started adding spam filters, when I started having this problem I had no filters active.
They are almost entirely RE: subjects that I don't see unless I toggle it.
(all compact binary, if that matters)
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Post by alex »

most likely it is intentional, although i don't completely understand what you mean by "clearing out the entire group".

replies do not necessarily stick to the root item if those are replies to a partial for compact binary newsgroup type.

if you use any other newsgroup type replies always stick to the partial root item, but the RAM consumption will be at least tens times more.

the purpose is to support large binary groups with zero overhead (you don't have to use compact binary type though or you can switch off threads - see below).

also replies may be drawn (not randomly) from other loaded groups when crossposted.

if you see some view inconsitency when you start the program, load a single group without filters try to give more exactly the sequence so i could check it out, otherwise you can try to reduce it to filters/crossposts given the limitations of the compact binary newsgroup type. if those headers with bodies - check the article body headers whether it was crossosted to the group, since articles with bodies are there even if respective newsgroups are not loaded.

if you don't need threads of replies in binary groups you can switch off threads by unchecking thread menu->show threads or you can preset it on per group basis in properties->newsgroups, Threads - to do it fast you select all newsgroups where you don't want to see threads, set "Threads" to "No", then press the empty button under the "Threads" combo box (it will remain in the pressed state), then press "Copy" and then "Paste", in the list box you'll see "No" in all selected groups.
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