Segment downloading?

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Joined: Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:30 am

Segment downloading?

Post by Schrijver »

Does Newspro support segment downloading?

I have two nesservers, one unlimited from my provider, and one paid-server. Where I can buy GB's with no timelimit.

Sometimes when I'm downloading something that contains several .Rar files, sveral files are missing.

When I look at the incomplete parts I can see that for example 93% is available on my providers Newsserver and 100% on my paid newssefver.

I try to download as much from my provider.

Is it possible to download the 97% from my provider and the 3% from my paid server instead of the full .rar file from paid server?
Posts: 57
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:19 pm

Post by voripteth »

:D Sure can! That's one of NewsPro's many strengths.

You can set a priority level for each server so NewsPro knows to use 'free' servers before the pay servers. Of course if you have a file segment that is only on the pay server, NewsPro will get it there.
Posts: 117
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:50 pm

Post by Tha*Lunat!k »

Set your provider's server to a higher priority in Properties > Servers and also check the 'Strict' option. Any parts on your ISP will always come from there if they're available there :)
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