Here's a NewsPro Filter that eliminates 99% of spam posts in *Binary groups* without touching any files and some important comments, if anyone needs.
1) Lines <= 1000. Scope: Apply to all. Action: Select.
2) Subject contains .nfo. Negation: On. Scope: Apply to Selected. Action: Ban.
3) Duplicate line 2 (using the Add \/ key) and replace the ".nfo" with with .txt, .par, .rar, .exe, .zip, \x?, one per line (the \x? is designed to exclude questions, optionally).
4) Subject ends with ). Negation: On. Scope: Apply to Selected. Action: Ban.
5) Subject ends with [0-9]. Negation: On. Scope: Apply to Selected. Action: Ban.
This will effectively ban messages containing fewer than 1000 lines (aka spam). However those messages with 1000 lines that do contain .nfo, .txt. par and so on *are* protected and not deleted. It also safeguards message ending with ) and a number, usually files.
You can then add your own specific filters on top of this, if needed, to further filter out, like insults, .jpg, .bmp or .gif. This will take care of 99% of the spam anyways and leave you with a nice clean output
Anti Spam filter for Binary Groups
Was searching the forums for some good filter examples and saw this.
I'm not sure if I'm just not reading your steps 2 and 3 properly, but What I tried from your setup removed way more than intended.
Here's a better example at least for me:
Condition 1:
Subject Contains: .nfo|.txt|.mp3|.par|.rar|.exe|.par2|.zip|\x?
Boolean wild: On
Negation: OFF
Selection Scope: All
Action: Select
Condition 2:
Subject Ends with: )
Boolean: OFF
Negation: OFF
Selection Scope: Unsel
Action: Select
Condition 3:
Subject Ends with: [0-9]
Boolean: OFF
Negation: OFF
Selection Scope: Unsel
Action: Select
Condition 4:
Number of Lines <= 1000
Scope: Unsel
Action: Extract
For some reason, I couldn't do the boolean wildmat with the "subject ends with" condition. perhaps due to the [0-9]?
I'm not sure if I'm just not reading your steps 2 and 3 properly, but What I tried from your setup removed way more than intended.
Here's a better example at least for me:
Condition 1:
Subject Contains: .nfo|.txt|.mp3|.par|.rar|.exe|.par2|.zip|\x?
Boolean wild: On
Negation: OFF
Selection Scope: All
Action: Select
Condition 2:
Subject Ends with: )
Boolean: OFF
Negation: OFF
Selection Scope: Unsel
Action: Select
Condition 3:
Subject Ends with: [0-9]
Boolean: OFF
Negation: OFF
Selection Scope: Unsel
Action: Select
Condition 4:
Number of Lines <= 1000
Scope: Unsel
Action: Extract
For some reason, I couldn't do the boolean wildmat with the "subject ends with" condition. perhaps due to the [0-9]?