Feature requests: Built-in article's availability checker

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Posts: 46
Joined: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:11 am

Feature requests: Built-in article's availability checker

Post by semel666 »

There are 2 major programmes for checking availability of articles on a particular server

NZb download checker (uses STAT method) and NZB Completion Checker( one can choose between HEAD and STAT)

STAT is much faster BUT on certain providers it doesnt work properly(readnews resellers-blocknews\usenetnnow etc

HEAD is slower but more accurate and all providers afaik support it

Newsbin pro has a built-in checker that works using HEAD method

Both Nbpro and nzb completion checker utilizes backup servers(with lower priority) if there are no articles found on a main server.

it would be nice if we could have something like this in UE

Posts: 32
Joined: Sat Jun 17, 2006 7:30 am

Re: Feature requests: Built-in article's availability checke

Post by dvd.collector »

I'd also like to request this feature built into UE. With some providers now removing parts of posts due to DMCA, being able to check in advance that a post is complete it becoming more important.
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Re: Feature requests: Built-in article's availability checke

Post by alex »

I will look into it, I'm trying to push through another development first, but if takes too long I may make a small update to include the feature.
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