caught in a "loop"

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caught in a "loop"

Post by dcthom »

I appear to be stuck in a loop I can't break out of.

I downloaded a file.
The lower-left action bar says "saving file" but never ends. It appears to be stuck. The file may be corrupted.

I have looked through every menu and option for anything resembling a way to stop the file save to no avail, so I try to exit the program however it then goes right into "Not Responding". During several tries, I left it once for an hour and the file never finished and UE remained non-response.

After killing the UE process and re-starting, the file is again "saving", so I'm back at square one, hence the "loop" I'm stuck in.

TIA for assistance.

EDIT: Prior to this I had just upgraded from 4.4 to 4.5. I'm not certain but I don't think this is the issue, just providing details.
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Re: caught in a "loop"

Post by alex »

If UE just hangs and you also mentioned the problem may appeared right after upgrading to another version - try redefine UE in the antivirus definitions.

If you hear disk clicking and the whole system is not responsive it may be dying hard drive.

Let me know whether it may be something else.
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