New databases and deleting newsgroups

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New databases and deleting newsgroups

Post by sidewinder007z »

Hey folks,

I'm somewhat of a newbie to Newspro. I am a registered user. Until now, I have been running off 1 database. This really slowed things up when I worked with binary groups. Now I have set up one binary database and it works great and fast. My question is, what is the best way to set up a new database using the previous database so I won't have to redownload headers?? I have already made a copy of the original database and moved that into a directory. Whenever I go to the new database and start trimming out newsgroups, IT TAKES FOREVER!!! :)
I always make sure that all unwanted headers are deleted, and I also make sure the database is optimized before the deletions. I was going to search the forum, but I guess it's been reset.

Thanks for any help!!!
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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

you should copy all or some small .dat files to get the respective set of settings.


reg.dat contains newsgroups, servers and many settings (e.g. properties->general, properties->tasks)

fld.dat - folders

pst.dat - post settings

pub.dat - public server search

sub.dat - server subsets

flt.dat - kill filters

wch.dat - watch filters

it looks like all files currently related to settings.


Post by Thanx »

Thanks a bunch Alex!!! That saved a BUNCH!!!! of time. Deleting the groups is instantaneous.

Thanx again!
Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:59 pm

Post by Jones »

Would there be any chance of someone posting a step by step tutorial
on the creation of new data bases please. I've tried but failed to do this,
why do you think i use my nickname :? :D
Posts: 4538
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

you just create a new database, e.g. with file menu->switch database or as a new profile. then you exit newspro and copy the files from the original to newly created 'Data' directory (the directory will appear in the place where you created the new database). Then you run newspro and invoke file menu->reset database to clear all the remnants of the old database.
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