new headers marked as old

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new headers marked as old

Post by plasmannc »

After getting new headers for a news group when I open the qroup window all headers are marked as old. If I open the window before getting new headers then the new headers are "red" and marked as new.

Must be a setting I am missing but am not sure which.

If I use the filter bar to select headers with "any text" in them can I then extract and only view them within UE? At present the selected headers are marked with a blue dot but all other headers are still present.
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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

the setting is in properties->general, mark old on load or something like that.

the other option is marking old manually - pressing the bearded man icon on the toolbar.
Josef K
Posts: 534
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:29 pm

Post by Josef K »

How I use UE is:

Refresh headers, select New on the quick filter bar and check the headers. After I'm done, click Mark all headers old.

I believe the default is that UE marks headers old on load. This means that every time you refresh headers you'll essentially 'lose the view' you should be seeing when you go to check them. For example, I could refresh headers then realise I have to go off and do something else for a couple of hours. When I return I want my headers to be current so I refresh again. If my settings are not correct then I'll completely miss the headers from the first refresh I did.

The setting is Properties->General->Mark new headers old on load.

Leave that unchecked and you can do any number of refreshes without losing the view when you select New on the filter bar. After checking your headers, click Mark all headers old.
alex wrote:pressing the bearded man icon on the toolbar.
This tickled me. :lol: I always thought he was a wizard - I didn't know you thought of him that way...
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