Feature request: more accurate filter for time

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Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 3:12 pm

Feature request: more accurate filter for time

Post by JimKi »

I would like a feature that permit me to filter the messages posted with a hour accuracy. This to enable me to see only the newest messages.

I know i can filter the new messages, but with multiple nntp servers, and sometimes the update crashing, if i must rescan the whole newsgroup, i need to re-look the whole last day, and in big binaries newsgroups, the list is too long.

Sometimes too if you do automatic refresh each 2 hours for example, you cannot check all the latest messages....
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Post by alex »

i'm not sure what crashing you refer to, if you have repeated crashes they usually caused by some external factor, you can email me errorlog.txt from the newspro database directory then i could check what it might be, if these are system crashes they also can be dealt with by examining hardware and applications that installed drivers.

instead of filter better use retention, the last day will be about 30K headers in a busy binary group, if you use kill filter with natural retention it will still download all headers, just headers older than one day will be filtered out.

also you can use 'last headers' in properties->newsgroups, e.g. last 10000 headers will give about 8 hours (in a busy group), if you want more (you don't see everything you need), you just increase the number, it downloads only headers it doesn't have (and last headers works somewhat faster than retention in the first time, since when you increase the retention - newspro has to scan everything to check the date, it doesn't download every field, but still it takes time).
Posts: 7
Joined: Tue Apr 22, 2003 3:12 pm

Post by JimKi »

Thank you for your answer, i didn't know about the retention :-) it will greatly improve my newsgroup scanning this way !

The crashes i refer to aren't caused by newspro, it's my ultrafeed provider which is really erratic these times... so i have to rescan everything often
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