Keeping different news servers separate

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Keeping different news servers separate

Post by juneman »

Hey, I'm just wondering how do I set it so that when I have two news servers hooked up to Usenet Explorer that one is disabled while I download with the other, to make the downloading of something exclusive to one without using the help of the other?

Also, considering that one of these two has more retention/completion than the other, how do I switch between the view of what ONE news server's group has compared to the other's. Simply clicking on the separate news servers doesn't do it.

Thanks in advance.
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Post by alex »

you can create 2 sets of newsgroups with only one server attached (you can use folders or nick to discern them).

if you want to keep it in one view so the program will know which article belong to what server you need to use "article numbers" or "msg-id" newsgroup destination type, but it is not recommended for large newsgroups, since you get maybe 40+ times less in database capacity then.

there is no filter to show headers from each server since it would work only for expansive in RAM memory newsgroup destination types which in practical terms are not effective for large newsgroups.
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Post by dominiquefortin »

There's also the possibility of creating two seperate database (two different folders).
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