Using UE through unreliable http proxy

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Using UE through unreliable http proxy

Post by loopdemack »

My only connection to the Internet is trough "http proxy" which is squid proxy on port 8080.
Great UE, support "Http proxy", but,
I have problems with Usenet Explorer, because its constantly skipping smaller files, under the 20MB, like just getting only 700k-1mb, and on bigger files it looks like its downloading, and he is, but it makes lot of incompletes, and I checked those files and they are complete on news server which is usenetserver.

I heard I could played with some setting like:
detect yEnc errors, Lines misreporting, bad msg-id, additional article heuristics, which could might help in my case, but I had no luck for now.

Is there some advance manual for UE, or do you have some advice.

Or do you know some application which is capable to go trough http proxy connection, and which would mount news server connection to the localhost connection on specific port.
Antifirewall is all that I need, but it cant connect on internet trough my proxy, or you cant configure it to use, as his connection to the internet my proxy server connection, its seems that he needs open full internet which is triggered by the DNS or DHCP connection, but I use connection on squid proxy, and the server is configured not to let internet trough dns, but trough proxy.
If I dont use proxy I cant connect to Internet on any port.

I need some help, thank you
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Post by alex »

but what errors do you get on those smaller files?

in the task manager to the right of the "articles" pane there is the question sign "errors" pane, the question sign becomes red when something gets in there.

if the proxy connection is not stable but you manage to download the files after several attempts you can configure UE to make the error retriable.

but again first we need to know what error it is.

also i replied your email probably it got into junk folder.
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Post by loopdemack »

Sorry, I didnt saw your mail, I looked in my bulk, but I have over 12000 bulk mails, maybe your msg missed me.

Yes maybe proxy connection isnt so stable when its high usage, Its 1Gbit/s but on my end its 160Mbit/s, I cant remeber right, but I think maybe its no articles msg, like its not retraing after error,
Instead of placing I tried with IP's directly:
And its better considerably, and today I can download even smaller files.
Incompletes are lesser but still present, Like on 4GB I have 800mb of incomplete files, and I tried the same things on my home line and I got only 40mb of incompletes with same nzb, on the same news server.

Do you have some advance manual, for the pro's, and can you suggest me some settings for usenetserver. How would you set it.
On my home LAN UE is working properly.
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Post by alex »

yes it is the idea, the proxy is not working stable, but it works at least sometimes.

usenet explorer shows errors (it is screenshot from getting started):


the question is what error message do you see there?

if you know the error message you can make it retriable in properties->tasks->recoverable errors
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Post by loopdemack »

Yes as I said, but now I'm sure it was and error no such article, but I tried with manual retry and manual retry with priority.
But I had situation that for file which is 15mb I got only 700k-1mb, today its good, when I'm not using dns but direct usenetserver IP.
I talked with some op's at newzbin and they said that UE or server misunderstand the errors as no such article, and that I try with changing :
detect yEnc errors, Lines misreporting, bad msg-id, additional article heuristics.

Do you have some advice, because I already tried to set retry article task to 1, 2, 3, I see some box for recoverable errors "too*many|limit|timeout"
What do you suggest.
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Post by alex »

the proxy works like that: there is a simple handshake, after the handshake all goes through the same connection, so if it works in one case it should work in all cases.

if you retry several times do you get any more parts?

if so you can make "no such article" recoverable adding for example:


ue just reports errors which it gets from the news server, it cannot misunderstand errors since it doesn't create news server error messages itself.

no such article means that UE issued the command

ARTICLE <message-id>

news server got this command, if it replies "no such article" when you access it through proxy but works ok when you are at home it means the very command gets corrupted on the way through the proxy (but it got "ARTICLE" otherwise it couldn't return this error).

but again if you retry it several times do you get any more parts?

if you marked message for download you can invoke "parts" mode (green cube toolbar icon) and see what parts are with errors, maybe you'll see some pattern as to message-ids in the message-id column.

if it is the same repeatedly you can issue the command using telnet through the proxy to netcat and see whether the message-id is transmitted right.

so you can reduce it to something very simple and at least to locate the cause of the problem.

if you like check if the problem repeats with exactly the same message parts if so i can give you exact commands how to check the proxy through telnet (for example i can run netcat here). does the proxy have userid/password?
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Post by loopdemack »

I'm at home right now,
I tried to do telnet to the at ports 23 25 and 119.
I can telnet only to port 23, and 25 and 119 are closed.
Its seems that they forget to close port 23 if you dont use their DNS (when I say they I mean, admins on my LAN),
as I said if I dont use names like news.usenetserver and, I connected directly to port 23 with telnet, (not trough the proxy), and I tried to download and its a little bit stable than the second way, ( or going trough the dns than trough squid proxy).

On 4GB transferred a got around 200mb of incomplete articles.
If I'm back to dns and proxy I got 600-700mb of incompletes.

Could you please explain me a little more about:


could you explain what's this command doing, and how difficult is for you to make some super advance manual for UE.
Something like a story, with examples, I always liked vortex manuals.

jaapf from binaries4all made a good manual but its just for the people, not for the scene. I would appreciate some strong manual.

And yes please write the commands, (for testing the proxy trough telnet).

I could test it tomorrow or on the Monday.
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Post by alex »

the detailed manual regarding your question is above :)
first try to read "getting started" and "explaining icons" on the home page in selected topics.

then again the important question.

with newsgroup view open invoke file menu->default toolbar->show parts.

click the plus sign on a failed partial message (green icon with red question sign) and you'll see individal parts of a partial message. some parts will have the question sign icon as well.

select one part and press space, wait until the blue check mark will change to question sign or body (notepad) icon, the latter would mean success. so you'll know whether it fails again and again with the same part or not.

so the question is whether downlading a separate part will fail repeatedly or it will eventually succeed.
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Post by loopdemack »

I will know it this mornig, when I'm back to the university.
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