I need help about the Free Poster.
Can't find the following features:
reposting segments/attachments, retrying posts reposting only failed segments
Can't even see the segments/parts of the attachments and where
can I see the failed/succeeded segments of a message?
How can I limit the number of posting threads?
Free Poster always posts with max. threads. The Limit in
preferences has no effect.
Questions about Free Poster
with the number of tasks thanks for pointing it out, i'll fix it, something very trivial (right now it just takes newsgroup list number of tasks instead, i copied the code, didn't change variable name and noone noticed, but overall the code is tested quite well).
reposting - there is a combo box in the bottom - post all, sel.attachments, selected parts.
failed/succeeded you see in the task manager, the posts pane, currently posted in the next pane with the computer icon and post errors in the next pane with the question sign (if some segments failed the post eventually ends there). if you see errors you can invoke 'retry', from post or post errors panes or from the post dialog if it is open, you can also change posting server from the post dialog (if it is not open just open the post from posted messages window), the only thing don't cancel such tasks since then the program will forget about failed segments (they need to be kept in the task manager, also they and post tasks in general will be kept between running sessions), while posting you can exit the program, then restart it and it will continue posting from the point where it left.
reposting - there is a combo box in the bottom - post all, sel.attachments, selected parts.
failed/succeeded you see in the task manager, the posts pane, currently posted in the next pane with the computer icon and post errors in the next pane with the question sign (if some segments failed the post eventually ends there). if you see errors you can invoke 'retry', from post or post errors panes or from the post dialog if it is open, you can also change posting server from the post dialog (if it is not open just open the post from posted messages window), the only thing don't cancel such tasks since then the program will forget about failed segments (they need to be kept in the task manager, also they and post tasks in general will be kept between running sessions), while posting you can exit the program, then restart it and it will continue posting from the point where it left.