UE Not Downloading Newsgroup Lists

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UE Not Downloading Newsgroup Lists

Post by Cynyster »

OK I am feeling foolish now. I deleted the list of newsgroups (not the list of my subscribed groups) I have removed some servers and added some others and wanted to start with a fresh newsgroup list. Ok easy enough the newsgroup list is blank. I shut down the program and restarted it. Clicked the workspace icon, Chose the newsgroup tab and right clicked the "Newsgroup list [empty]" and chose "Get newsgroup list" and.... nothing happens it doesn't even seem to attempt to get the newsgroup lists in fact testing it right now right clicking just about anything doesn't seem to do anything except "new" and "properties" what did I do to screw it up this time? thanks for any help
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Post by alex »

if you expand the newsgroup list entry do you see any servers? (but they should be added when you add new servers)

do tasks appear in newsgroup list pane of the task manager?
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Post by Cynyster »

if I look at the subscribed newsgroups workspace I see the servers listed that are attached to that particular group. If I click on the newsgroup list tab workspace it is completely blank no servers at all... I should mention that I have not added any servers since I deleted the lists... I will try and add a server to see if that will allow me to redownload the lists.
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Post by alex »

it downloads newsgroup list from servers, if there are no servers (or more exactly when no servers are attached to 'newsgroup list') the program has nothing to do when you invoke 'get newsgroup list'.
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Post by Cynyster »

ok adding a new server to the server list adds the server to the news group server list... it looks like I will have to re-add the other servers to get them there
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Post by alex »

if you attached a server to a specific newsgroup (newsgroup context menu->new->server) and it is a new server it won't add to newsgroup list since you specifically instructed the program to attach it only to the newsgroup.

but if you added the server in the servers pane (or the same after pressing the computer button on the toolbar) it will be added since you added a new server which will be attached to every newsgroup and newsgroup list.

to attach all servers to newsgroup list (if for the reason above they are not attached or you deleted them) you can use e.g. newsgroup list context menu->advanced->attach all servers
Posts: 54
Joined: Thu Jun 02, 2005 8:31 pm

Post by Cynyster »

That was it Alex. Thanks for all your help!
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