Text groups/ retention/ article numbers

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Joined: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:59 pm

Text groups/ retention/ article numbers

Post by Glamdring »

Hi Alex,

I use 1 server for downloading binaries and 1 server for viewing text posts.

I have set the binary groups to compact binary and the text groups to article number. But what retention should I set for these text groups? I want them to be in sync with my text server so they expire when they do on the server.

Should I set retention for the text groups to natural? Sorry, the help notes don't make quite sense to me on this part, sorry!

Retention for the binary server is set to 21d.

Furthermore, I want to thank you for creating an excellent program. Before Usenet Explorer I have used many, very many programs. Especially NewsLeecher. But it had is flaws, despite having a better interface for newbies than Usenet Explorer. I tried NewsPro in the past, but it scared my away due to the complexity at first, but I finally managed to master it with Usenet Explorer. Now, I don't have to use different programs for downloading binaries and viewing text postings.

Keep up the good work!


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Post by alex »

for non-article number groups the only reason expired articles are not deleted is the program doesn't know article numbers.

so with article number groups the retention can be set to natural without causing the newsgroup to grow indefinitely, in such a case the group will just reflect what is on the server with headers expiring when you invoke "get new headers" or like it is when the server returns its article range.

there will be some improvements in text part in the next release.
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