My 'request/question' was not that the selection was working incorrectly, but rather, if I wanted to get more than just one set - where all the subjects are formed identical with exception of the episode # - where the subject changes at the character position in the title where the episode # is.
So if I were to "select related headers" based on a limited portion of the subject and not the entire subject. Essentially it already does this otherwise how would it know only to select that one set. But say I wanted to select ALL of the Season 2 posts instead of just S02D05, but rather S02D*
This way I could hit "auto download" and they all park themselves in the same place.
..and the opposite effect of this is when perusing all the subjects, if I want to dump all the posts of say Buffy, where there is two seasons worth posted with all the same subject line beginning, just it, again, varies at the point of where the episode # is listed. I can use filtering above, type in "Buffy" and then CTRL-A, then Shift-DEL, but then I loose my place inthe window when I go back. Selecting one of the buffy entries means I have to do that same thing above 24 times because you can't shift-select/right-click/select related headers to add to the selection.
So I thought that if the character positition clicked, back to the left of the column, would be used as the basis for selecting the like headers. That was clicking before the S02D0 would give me all of "the unit S02D... " in this particular instance, all of season two would be highlighted at once, and I realize that this means the poster used the same subject formatting for their whole post. Or as an extreme example, if the poster used the same format for 4 seasons worth of discs, if I selected it at the S0 position, I would get ALL of it.
If there were a way I could always get rid of Gilmore*Girls and isolate History*Channel, as an example, that would also solve some of the sorting. IE, things I never want vs. things I'll always want to look at
24 is a great example of something really rotten to filter. 'cause '24' gets used in nearly every post too.
Maybe I've opened a can of worms...
Bought NewsPro in June 2002 and Usenet Explorer in June 2005, been pushing it to everyone I know since, this thing just kicks ass and gets better and better! Cant' say enough.. except in some early versions that you captured the crash log from me, this thing is solid as Gibraltar. It's run for up to 120 days at a time while I keep putting off upgrade notices, only to finally get around to do it and you release another one sometimes in a matter of hours...
Keep it up!
The Search Service just KICKS BUTT too!! Rips on all the rest of them!