Feature Request: Auto Re-Prioritizes download queue

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Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:14 am

Feature Request: Auto Re-Prioritizes download queue

Post by Tenchi_Muyo »


In order to make the Auto Par2 / Join / Unrar better, would it be possible for it to scan the download task queue and Auto Prioritizes the download queue so that the .par2 and .rar file are downloaded first if exist in queue?

Reason I ask for this is that UE has become the best queue and forget it newsreader available. But with files that has password set, it is preventing the queue and forget as the unrar password cannot be set until the .RAR file has been downloaded and placed in the unpack queue. And that the next file set wouldn’t be in the unpack queue until the first set has been complete downloaded preventing you from setting the unrar password.
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