Interface request

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Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:57 pm

Interface request

Post by JerryT »

In the task manager window when selecting multiple groups of files the Windows standard is adhered to, i.e. left-click to select first file then shift-left-click to select the remainder of first group followed by ctl-left-click to select the first file of the next group and finally ctl-shift-left click to select the remainder of second group.

However, when selecting groups of files to download in an opened newsgroup the process to select aditional groups after the first is to press ctl-left-click to select the first file of the next group as above but the selection of the remainder of the second group is done with shift-left-click.

Ideally a complex program such a UE should maintain a consistent interface throughout and deviating from standard practice in operations as basic as selecting groups of files is very confusing.

I thank you for your consideration of this issue.
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Post by alex »

the windows standard it to drop the previous group when you are trying to select the next group and as to now in the task manager selection is done by windows, it is the default windows behaviour in fact, so if they would change it for multigroup selection UE would be able to select multiple groups in the task manager as well.

opposite to the task manager - newsgroup view is a custom code to handle very large fast changing lists (it is not even windows list control) and there i made customization for multiple selection from the beginning, the behaviour inherited from newspro.

but search results view is just windows virtual list control and i added there such a customization as well (as to mouse).

with task manager it was written before search service view and i didn't do anything about cusomizing selection there, the search results view goes along with newsgroup view, after searching there is always selection so selection is critical, in task manager selection is not so frequently used.

so what would be needed to have it is generalization of search view code into task manager code. i will check maybe i'll change it this way.
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