Feature Request: password alert

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Joined: Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:33 am

Feature Request: password alert

Post by kheldar01 »

lately especially on binary groups dedicated to TV shows there are more and more fake posts of collections of RAR passworded of single episodes. So when you download those after wasting bandwidth and time you are not able to unrar the files cause the password is not available.

So i'd like to know if is possible a new feature in UE to check if a collection of RAR file has a password or not to avoid fakes.

Maybe UE could download the first RAR of the collection and set an icon on the unrar tab if is password protected ?
Or pause the whole collection download if a password is found (with an option to disable this).
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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Re: Feature Request: password alert

Post by alex »

Sometimes it is also non-passworded rar with passworded rar inside, so the check also should be recursive.

It depends on how well unrar can detect if the file is passworded, I didn't check rar format in that regard yet.

I will try to look at it after I finish with the current relatively big chunk of work (which is now at the starting point), if to add something like that it should be implemented carefully.
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