.nzb default association

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Maybe I'm just dumb, but...

Post by SJ_Steve »

After I reinstalled XP, I can't get NewsPro to automatically open and import .nzb files when I grab them through IE6 from newzbin. I've tried every combination of using the NewsPro association menu, assigning the file type to "open" and specifying NewsPro, etc...

What's the best way to set this up? I had it working once, but now I'm not sure how I did it.


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Post by alex »

which newspro version are you using? ensure it is the latest version and in the newspro association menu nzb is checked.
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Post by SJ_Steve »

I'm using 3.74 and I've tried it with the nzb association checked and unchecked (manually assign the .nzb filetype to open NewsPro and pass the "%1" argument to it).

When I save the file first and then open it, it always works. I wanted to do an open from within the browser download window and have it immediately import without doing an intermediate save.

I wish I knew what I did!


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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

is newspro launched and nothing is imported or nothing happens at all?

in the first case contact me by icq 143867387 (did you read my private message?) we'll check it, it may take too long through forum posts, probably we need a version to see what exactly IE6 on your system puts into the command string.
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